Mina Chang Bio
Afghanistan 2016
Chief Executive Officer of Linking the World
As CEO of Linking the World, and with extensive on-the-ground experience including Afghanistan, Somalia, and Iraq, Mina has experienced first-hand the toll conflict and instability takes on vulnerable communities. Mina is an acknowledged thought leader in C/PVE; published in Foreign Policy, Forbes, the Huffington Post, among others, on topics concerning humanitarian aid, development and its role in the context of national security and global stability.
As part of Linking the World’s partner acquisition strategy, Mina successfully developed relationships with critical key stakeholders including the U.S. Department of Defense, through Project Handclasp, a program designed to transport educational, humanitarian and goodwill materials for distribution to foreign nation recipients.
Mina led the engineering of Linking the World's proactive methodology which applies insights gleaned from a wide array of civilian and military data sets to locate and assist vulnerable communities to isolate root causes of instability, then coordinate development initiatives to functionally remove exploitation points for violent extremist groups like ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, and Al Qaeda.
She has addressed assemblies at foreign embassies, Center for Peace, the United Nations, the Department of Defense, United States Military Academy at West Point, and NATO. She spoke at both the 2016 Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention.
Mina was appointed by the United Nations to serve on the Expert Panel for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Humanitarian Response.
She serves as Civil-Military UN-CMCoord Advisor contributing to current Common Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination Standards.
Mina is an alumna of the Harvard Business School and was selected for the Harvard John F Kennedy Senior Executive in National and International Security program. She formerly served as a Fellow with the Center for the Study of Civil-Military Operations at West Point, assisting in the development of academic programs tied to humanitarian assistance and disaster response.
On February 11, 2015 Mina was appointed UN Cross Cultural Ambassador for United States UNESCO. UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Harvard Kennedy School Senior Executive in National and International Security Serves as Expert in International Security for New America and a 2017- 2018 Fellow for the New America Future of War Initiative.
The proud mother to her daughter, together they live in the United States and share their home with Rony, a retired 4-year-old Belgian Malinois “military working dog” adopted from U.S. Forward Operating Base Fenty in Afghanistan.