Shifting from Corporate Social Responsibility to Creating Shared Value.

In an increasingly interconnected world, companies that work internationally do best when they simultaneously pursue economic value creation while also addressing societal needs.  An approach that goes beyond social responsibility, focused on creating shared value and securing the social license, trust and buy-in to operate, has become a competitive imperative for the 21st century enterprise.  This requires both creative evaluation of the total value chain and effective engagement and cross-sector, cross discipline collaboration with government, industry, NGOs and other stakeholders.


For corporations with operations and interests in regions of instability or war, CSV initiatives can become a critical component of core operations. We work to help companies better understand opportunities as well as threats, and achieve positive impacts consistent with their core missions. We work with organizations to develop country-specific and global programs, industry initiatives and public-private partnerships that create true win-win scenarios. In addition to facilitating collaborative relationships with public and social sectors players, our team brings considerable expertise on issues of sustainability, development, ethical sourcing and corporate governance; and how it fits within the geopolitical and local dynamics of the conflict.